Worries go down better with soup. ~ proverb

Monday, February 1, 2010

Resolutions for the new year

Resolutions were made as the new year approached. Forget about the 'I want to lose ten pounds, exercise more, sleep more...blah, blah blah'. This will be the year to eat more soup and have more fun. I am not sure how the 'have more fun' will play out, but 'eat more soup', how difficult can that be?
Making soup has always been a stress buster for me; the rhythm of the chopping, the sound of sizzling, the aromatherapy of a steaming pot on the stove. I need soup. Soup is not usually made to fill an immediate hunger. It's for later in the day or even tomorrow. My resolution was to make one soup a week. In the month of January, I made six different soups.
In December my sister and brother-in-law, both fellow soup lovers sent me a recipe for Winter Minestrone. That recipe was the bug in my ear, the kick to my backside, the starting point to make good my resolutions.

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